When everyone adopts the responsibilities that have been laid upon them the best case scenario will be the result. It is my observation that the general public understands the situation and the dire consequences that may be introduced if defiance becomes the game plan.
If this is a war, then we must understand that the army is as strong as its weakest link.
Changes will soon be introduced in regards to testing. Information regarding changes will be provided to the public by all means of communication (newspaper, tv, radio, etc.) The changes will be far more accommodating to the general public and will produce a picture of the virus as it is affecting our communities and will provide us with a solid strategy for protection.
The April Town Board Meeting will be held April 9 at 6:00 PM. It will be in the parking area at Town Hall where social distancing can be incorporated
As we prepare for summer we know there will be many contengencies. Decisions regarding youth activities cannot be made at this time. However, tentative plans can be developed.
There has been some discussion in regards to a community garden. The Town received a grant several years ago to develop a community garden There was very little participation in this project. It is my belief that there are lessons to be learned and that recognizing the issues and incorporating chances will enhance the likelihood of a successful community garden..